Sunday, October 05, 2008

Politics of Hollywood

Winning on the issues is long gone, and we are now neck deep in the sludge that is spin and win politics.  The McCain campaign is up to last resort politics, but you cannot really blame them.  They have been trying to push the truth on issues for the last couple of months and barely get any attention on the media radar.  No one can deny that the mainstream media is pushing this Obama ticket HARD.  

The Obama campaign is scared.  McCains people came out and said, "We will press harder," on issues and associations that Obama would like not to speak of.  The truth is some people do care about his associations with Ayers, Wright, and the like.  If these associations are honest and non-threatening to the welfare of the American populous then it should not be a problem for him.  The liberal media has gave him a pass on these associations to this point and I am sure they will give him a prime time spot to clear himself of these associations.

Now, I would like to make clear, I am not a hard core GOP, gun-toting republican... far from it.  But I do hold some basic conservative ideals that conflict with this Obama ticket pretty hard.  I am not a major McCain fan.  He is weak on domestic policy and has offered me and the American people no real solutions for the economy or health care.  That being said, I cannot support the big government, big brother politics of this generations left wing.  My top 3:

1) I do not support socialized anything... health care (Obama), mortgages (Bush administration & Congress), etc.  I do not need big brother to tell me what doctor to see and when and how he can treat me.  I do not need the government to tell me what I can afford and how to pay for it.  I need the government to regulate these out of control industry's and reign them in.  Freddie and Fanny lined their pockets with liberal cash, and government should have the guts to name names on this one, no matter which side of the aisle.  

2) A strong foreign policy is essential.  Artificial timetables will not work.  Shifting one war to another is not a solution.  Finish what we started in Iraq.  Press for further sanctions against Iran through the UN (the useless UN), not direct negotiations without preconditions (by the way Biden lied about this in the debate without flinching).

3) The Robin Hood tax policy is fundamentally flawed.  How about the fair tax?  Any takers? No?  Overtaxing the rich is neither fair or "patriotic," as Biden would call it.  "Paying higher taxes is patriotic."  That is a bunch of garbage.  Tax cuts for business helps the economy grow.  Taxing those in an income bracket that are providing jobs to people via small and medium size business is going to trickle down.  Cutting taxes for the middle class and below at such a small rate is useless.  An extra $20 a paycheck is not going to afford anyone that extra peace of mind.  

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