Friday, October 24, 2008

Man, I wish Biden was a Republican.  The SNL skits would be so much better.  Here is a speech the Obama campaign felt worthy of YouTube posting.  Is this campaigning or Last Comic Standing?  10:35:  "He's got a backbone like a Ramrod."  Love it.  Biden is a horrible public speaker.


molly said...

biden is the gaffe-master, no doubt.

molly said...

read this article. tell me what you think.

Howard said...

Obviously my opinion and that of the NY Times and the Washington Post(I this type of article was published there first) differ greatly. Especially op-ed sections.

I think it is a silly claim that terrorists actually prefer McCain over Obama. First of all, they realize an endorsement from a terrorist group is not going to sway voters for that candidate. In fact it will do the opposite. I think an al qaeda endorsement for McCain is a back door support for Obama.

This article wandered aimlessly from al qaeda to Somalia and back, and probably should have been a paragraph long. The Bush policy failed, yes. McCain disagrees with Bush's handling of most foreign policy action. This McCain=Bush stuff is getting old.

The Republicans screwed up. The last 8 years failures should be blamed on them, and they will feel it big time in these elections. I read one report that the house could go 70% blue, realistically. 4 years of a major democratic majority is scary though. They will be able to push anything hat want straight through. There are no checks or balances. The Republicans need to get back to their roots, and this election will snap them back to reality.